BEDETTI Titziano

Tiziano Bedetti was born in Rovigo (next to Venice) in 1976 and studied at the “A. Buzzolla” Conservatory of Adria, obtaining the diploma with full marks in Piano, Composition, Choir Music and Conducting. He studied Composition with Bruno Coltro (a pupil of Gian Francesco Malipiero), Enrico Pisa and at the “Civica Scuola di Musica” of Milan with Mauro Bonifacio, subsequently specializing with Azio Corghi at the “Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia” in Rome, where he took a first class Degree and at the “Accademia Musicale Chigiana” in Siena”, where he has got the “Diploma di Merito”. He attended courses with: Goffredo Petrassi (Composition), Luigi Verdi (Analisys), John Bauman (Composition and American History of Music).

He has been successful at important national and international composition contest, including “Città di Pavia” 1993, “PremioValentino Bucchi” (Rome 1992,1993,1994), “Torneo Internazionale di Musica” (Rome 1998-1999), and won (Second Prize -First Prize not awarded) the “Concorso Internazionale di Composizione Città di Pavia” 1999 and Antonio De Curtis International Composer Competition of Naples (First Prize).

He received a mention as young composer at the “Premio Quadrivio” which in the 1999 edition was assigned to important cultural personalities, including, Carla Fracci, Stylist Laura Biagiotti and astrophysicist Margherita Hack. He has resulted finalist at the INMC 2000 Composition Competition of New York, announced by the New York University Department of Music and Performings Arts (U.S.A.). Furthermore he received the Jahrespreiz 2001 from STAB Foundation of Zurich (Switzerland) and he won OPERA PRIMA TALENTI Award 2002 announced by the BMG RICORDI EDITIONS of Milan.

He has composed many works by commission and his works have been performed in Italy and abroad at leading festivals, concert halls and theatres, including: “Asolo Musica”, “Estaste Musicale di Ferrara”, Concerti dell’Accademia Filarmonica di Bologna, “Palazzo Zenobio” of Venice, “Teatro Goldoni” of Venice, Accademia Chigiana di Siena, Festival Nuova Consonanza (Roma), Piccolo Teatro di Milano, “Einstein” Auditorium, Kunst Museum and “Kleiner Saal” (Bochum Germany), Hall of National Radio, “Bulgarian Hall” -ppIANISSIMO FESTIVAL FOUNDATION, (Sofia Bulgaria), “National Gallery” of Australia -Season of Concerts of Australian Capital Territory Lieder Society (Canberra, Australia), Bangkok University (Thailand) CARNEGIE HALL (New York, USA). He has also been interviewed on various radio programs, including Radio WDR of Cologne, Radio Budapest- Bartòk Channel (Unghery), Oberlin Radio (USA) , Radio Vatican, (Città del Vaticano), RAI-Radio 3 (Italy) and his activity has been reviewed by the international press in The Canberra Verdana, Waz-Bild., Ruhrnachrichten, Zürcherzeitung, etc., and in the specialized magazins including Suonare News, PianoTime, Il Giornale della Musica, Il Mondo della Musica, Opera, Il Monocordo, Gaudeamus Information. Tiziano Bedetti has published works for RAI TRADE Editions of Rome, Curci of Milan, Rugginenti of Milan, Carrara of Bergamo and Bèrben of Ancona. He also recorded for the Ariston – RICORDI and the Phoenix Classics labels.


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